Rodent  Control 

Rat Control

The Brown Rat (Rattus norvegicus) is the most common rat found in the UK and is a huge pest to both homes and businesses. Rats can cause extensive damage due to their gnawing and burrowing. Rats are known carriers of diseases such as Leptospirosis (Weil's disease) and they pose a huge risk to public health. 
Signs you may have rats:

• Noises in walls or roof spaces 
• Droppings 10-20mm
• Smells - rats leave a musty odour from their droppings and urine
• Gnawed material - rats love to gnaw at things, even electric wires
• Missing food - rats love to hoard food (dog biscuits, bread potatoes etc)
• Burrowing holes outside
• Smear marks or rat runs in soil or roof insulation
• Rat sightings
Rat problem? Pestfree are experts at rat control and proofing. We can help. 

Mouse Control

Mice are common pests in homes and businesses around the UK. They can breed very rapidly and cause damage to property by gnawing. Mice can also carry and spread diseases that can pose a serious to risk to public health. Mice are great climbers and can fit through a gap the width of a pencil! 
Signs you may have Mice: 
  • Droppings 1-3mm
  • Noises in walls or roof spaces
  • Smells - mice leave a strong ammonia like odour from their urine
  • Gnawed material - mice gnaw to find food and make nesting material
  • Smear marks around pipes or holes in the wall
  • Mouse sightings
Mouse problem? Pestfree are experts at mouse control and proofing. We can help.

Grey Squirrel Control

The Grey Squirrel is a non-native species. The Grey Squirrel has had a devastating impact on the native red squirrel population due to a virus the Grey Squirrel carries called the Squirrel Parapox Virus. Grey Squirrels become a problem when they move into people’s roof spaces to nest. They can be very loud and can cause damage to buildings by gnawing.  They have also been linked to house fires from gnawing through electrical cables. 
Squirrel problem? Pestfree are experts at Squirrel control and proofing. We can help.
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